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giúp đỡ về Keyboard HID với Stm32f103c8t6

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  • giúp đỡ về Keyboard HID với Stm32f103c8t6

    Chào mọi người, hiện tại e đang làm một project về Keyboard HID trên con Stm32f103c8t6.
    Hiện tại thì khi e cắm kit với pc thì pc đã nhận kit là một keyboardClick image for larger version

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ID:	1422441
    Nhưng khi bấm nút (giả sử kí tự A) thì lại ko được. em dùng Mikroc
    #include "USB_DSC.c"
    char readbuff[64];
    char writebuff[64];
    unsigned long int InterruptCount = 0;
    void USB0Interrupt() iv IVT_INT_USB_LP_CAN_RX0
      //GPIOB_ODR.B2 = 1;
      //GPIOB_ODR.B2 = 0;
    void usb_init1()
      GPIO_Digital_Output(&GPIOA_BASE, _GPIO_PINMASK_8);    // USB Control
      GPIOA_ODR.B8 = 1;                   // activate USB
    void readKeyboard()
     char modifier=0;
     char keycode[6];
                   //Some Keyboard Buttons
     if (InterruptCount > 10)
      if (GPIOA_IDR.B0==1) keycode[0]=0x04;    //A or a
      if (GPIOB_IDR.B4==1) keycode[0]=0x16;    //S or s
      if (GPIOB_IDR.B5==1) keycode[0]=0x07;    //D or d
      if (GPIOB_IDR.B6==1) keycode[0]=0x09;    //F or f
      if (GPIOB_IDR.B7==1) keycode[0]=0x0A;    //G or g
      if (GPIOB_IDR.B8==1) keycode[0]=0x0B;    //H or h
      if (GPIOB_IDR.B9==1) keycode[0]=0x0D;    //J or j
      if (GPIOB_IDR.B10==1)keycode[0]=0x0E;    //K or k
     while(!HID_Write(&writebuff, 7));
     writebuff[1] = 0;                       // No modifiers now
     writebuff[3] = 0;                       // No key pressed now
     while(!HID_Write(&writebuff, 7));       // Copy to USB buffer and try to send
    void main()
            GPIO_digital_input(&GPIOB_BASE, _GPIO_PINMASK_ALL );
            GPIO_digital_output(&GPIOB_BASE, _GPIO_PINMASK_2);
            GPIO_digital_input(&GPIOA_BASE, _GPIO_PINMASK_0 );
    còn đây là thư viện

    const unsigned int USB_VENDOR_ID = 0x1234;
    const unsigned int USB_PRODUCT_ID = 0x0001;
    const char USB_SELF_POWER = 0x80;            // Self powered 0xC0,  0x80 bus powered
    const char USB_MAX_POWER = 50;               // Bus power required in units of 2 mA
    const char HID_INPUT_REPORT_BYTES = 64;
    const char HID_OUTPUT_REPORT_BYTES = 64;
    const char USB_TRANSFER_TYPE = 0x03;         //0x03 Interrupt
    const char EP_IN_INTERVAL = 1;
    const char EP_OUT_INTERVAL = 1;
    const char USB_INTERRUPT = 1;
    const char USB_HID_EP = 1;
    const char USB_HID_RPT_SIZE = 63;
    /* Device Descriptor */
    const struct {
        char bLength;               // bLength         - Descriptor size in bytes (12h)
        char bDescriptorType;       // bDescriptorType - The constant DEVICE (01h)
        unsigned int bcdUSB;        // bcdUSB          - USB specification release number (BCD)
        char bDeviceClass;          // bDeviceClass    - Class Code
        char bDeviceSubClass;       // bDeviceSubClass - Subclass code
        char bDeviceProtocol;       // bDeviceProtocol - Protocol code
        char bMaxPacketSize0;       // bMaxPacketSize0 - Maximum packet size for endpoint 0
        unsigned int idVendor;      // idVendor        - Vendor ID
        unsigned int idProduct;     // idProduct       - Product ID
        unsigned int bcdDevice;     // bcdDevice       - Device release number (BCD)
        char iManufacturer;         // iManufacturer   - Index of string descriptor for the manufacturer
        char iProduct;              // iProduct        - Index of string descriptor for the product.
        char iSerialNumber;         // iSerialNumber   - Index of string descriptor for the serial number.
        char bNumConfigurations;    // bNumConfigurations - Number of possible configurations
    } device_dsc = {
          0x12,                   // bLength
          0x01,                   // bDescriptorType
          0x0200,                 // bcdUSB
          0x00,                   // bDeviceClass
          0x00,                   // bDeviceSubClass
          0x00,                   // bDeviceProtocol
          8,                      // bMaxPacketSize0
          USB_VENDOR_ID,          // idVendor
          USB_PRODUCT_ID,         // idProduct
          0x0001,                 // bcdDevice
          0x01,                   // iManufacturer
          0x02,                   // iProduct
          0x00,                   // iSerialNumber
          0x01                    // bNumConfigurations
    /* Configuration 1 Descriptor */
    const char configDescriptor1[]= {
        // Configuration Descriptor
        0x09,                   // bLength             - Descriptor size in bytes
        0x02,                   // bDescriptorType     - The constant CONFIGURATION (02h)
        0x29,0x00,              // wTotalLength        - The number of bytes in the configuration descriptor and all of its subordinate descriptors
        1,                      // bNumInterfaces      - Number of interfaces in the configuration
        1,                      // bConfigurationValue - Identifier for Set Configuration and Get Configuration requests
        0,                      // iConfiguration      - Index of string descriptor for the configuration
        USB_SELF_POWER,         // bmAttributes        - Self/bus power and remote wakeup settings
        USB_MAX_POWER,          // bMaxPower           - Bus power required in units of 2 mA
        // Interface Descriptor
        0x09,                   // bLength - Descriptor size in bytes (09h)
        0x04,                   // bDescriptorType - The constant Interface (04h)
        0,                      // bInterfaceNumber - Number identifying this interface
        0,                      // bAlternateSetting - A number that identifies a descriptor with alternate settings for this bInterfaceNumber.
        2,                      // bNumEndpoint - Number of endpoints supported not counting endpoint zero
        0x03,                   // bInterfaceClass - Class code
        0,                      // bInterfaceSubclass - Subclass code
        0,                      // bInterfaceProtocol - Protocol code
        0,                      // iInterface - Interface string index
        // HID Class-Specific Descriptor
        0x09,                   // bLength - Descriptor size in bytes.
        0x21,                   // bDescriptorType - This descriptor's type: 21h to indicate the HID class.
        0x01,0x01,              // bcdHID - HID specification release number (BCD).
        0x00,                   // bCountryCode - Numeric expression identifying the country for localized hardware (BCD) or 00h.
        1,                      // bNumDescriptors - Number of subordinate report and physical descriptors.
        0x22,                   // bDescriptorType - The type of a class-specific descriptor that follows
        USB_HID_RPT_SIZE,0x00,  // wDescriptorLength - Total length of the descriptor identified above.
        // Endpoint Descriptor
        0x07,                   // bLength - Descriptor size in bytes (07h)
        0x05,                   // bDescriptorType - The constant Endpoint (05h)
        USB_HID_EP | 0x80,      // bEndpointAddress - Endpoint number and direction
        USB_TRANSFER_TYPE,      // bmAttributes - Transfer type and supplementary information    
        0x40,0x00,              // wMaxPacketSize - Maximum packet size supported
        EP_IN_INTERVAL,         // bInterval - Service interval or NAK rate
        // Endpoint Descriptor
        0x07,                   // bLength - Descriptor size in bytes (07h)
        0x05,                   // bDescriptorType - The constant Endpoint (05h)
        USB_HID_EP,             // bEndpointAddress - Endpoint number and direction
        USB_TRANSFER_TYPE,      // bmAttributes - Transfer type and supplementary information
        0x40,0x00,              // wMaxPacketSize - Maximum packet size supported    
        EP_OUT_INTERVAL         // bInterval - Service interval or NAK rate
    const struct {
      char report[];
    }hid_rpt_desc =
        0x05, 0x01,                    // USAGE_PAGE (Generic Desktop)
        0x09, 0x06,                    // USAGE (Keyboard)
        0xa1, 0x01,                    // COLLECTION (Application)
        0x05, 0x07,                    //   USAGE_PAGE (Keyboard)
        0x19, 0xe0,                    //   USAGE_MINIMUM 224(Keyboard LeftControl)
        0x29, 0xe7,                    //   USAGE_MAXIMUM 231(Keyboard Right GUI)    (left and right: alt, shift, ctrl and win)
        0x15, 0x00,                    //   LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0)
        0x25, 0x01,                    //   LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (1)
        0x75, 0x01,                    //   REPORT_SIZE (1)
        0x95, 0x08,                    //   R EPORT_COUNT (8)
        0x81, 0x02,                    //   INPUT (Data,Var,Abs)
        0x95, 0x01,                    //   REPORT_COUNT (1)
        0x75, 0x08,                    //   REPORT_SIZE (8)
        0x81, 0x03,                    //   INPUT (Cnst,Var,Abs)
        0x95, 0x05,                    //   REPORT_COUNT (5)
        0x75, 0x01,                    //   REPORT_SIZE (1)
        0x05, 0x08,                    //   USAGE_PAGE (LEDs)
        0x19, 0x01,                    //   USAGE_MINIMUM (Num Lock)
        0x29, 0x05,                    //   USAGE_MAXIMUM (Kana)
        0x91, 0x02,                    //   OUTPUT (Data,Var,Abs)
        0x95, 0x01,                    //   REPORT_COUNT (1)
        0x75, 0x03,                    //   REPORT_SIZE (3)
        0x91, 0x03,                    //   OUTPUT (Cnst,Var,Abs)
        0x95, 0x06,                    //   REPORT_COUNT (6)
        0x75, 0x08,                    //   REPORT_SIZE (8)
        0x15, 0x00,                    //   LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0)
        0x25, 0x65,                    //   LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (101)
        0x05, 0x07,                    //   USAGE_PAGE (Keyboard)
        0x19, 0x00,                    //   USAGE_MINIMUM (Reserved (no event indicated))
        0x29, 0x65,                    //   USAGE_MAXIMUM (Keyboard Application)
        0x81, 0x00,                    //   INPUT (Data,Ary,Abs)
        0xc0                           // END_COLLECTION
    //Language code string descriptor
    const struct {
      char bLength;
      char bDscType;
      unsigned int string[1];
      } strd1 = {
    //Manufacturer string descriptor
    const struct{
      char bLength;
      char bDscType;
      unsigned int string[10];
        22,           //sizeof this descriptor string
        {'T','U',' ','G','a','b','r','o','v','o'}
    //Product string descriptor
    const struct{
      char bLength;
      char bDscType;
      unsigned int string[15];
        32,          //sizeof this descriptor string
        {'U','S','B',' ','M','a','n','i','p','u','l','a','t','o','r'}
    //Array of configuration descriptors
    const char* USB_config_dsc_ptr[1];
    //Array of string descriptors
    const char* USB_string_dsc_ptr[3];
    void USB_Init_Desc(){
      USB_config_dsc_ptr[0] = &configDescriptor1;
      USB_string_dsc_ptr[0] = (const char*)&strd1;
      USB_string_dsc_ptr[1] = (const char*)&strd2;
      USB_string_dsc_ptr[2] = (const char*)&strd3;

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