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Biên dịch nhân uClinux

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  • Biên dịch nhân uClinux

    Có ai biết cách Biên dịch 1 nhân uClinux trên ubuntu thì giúp tôi với
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  • #2
    Làm theo hướng dẫn sau:

    Building uClinux on Ubuntu

    The article describes how to build uClinux on your Linux, i.g. Ubuntu…


    For cross compile, we should install some cross toolchain…

    $ wget
    $ ./

    But it will pop up an error: tail: cannot open `+43′ for reading: No such file or directory


    $ sed ‘s/^tail /tail -n/’ >
    $ chmod +x
    $ sudo ./


    Download uClinux source, and unzip it

    $ wget
    $ tar -zxvf uClinux-dist-20040408.tar.gz


    To compile uClinux source, you have to install some library

    $ sudo apt-get install ncurses-dev tcl tk


    Change to the root of uClinux-dist, and enter those command to build it

    $ make xconfig
    $ make dep
    $ make


    Good idear to run image on skyeye if you donot have any board on hand.


    Install skyeye as this:

    $ sudo apt-get install skyeye


    Also, skyeye needs an configure file: skyeye.conf, create it, and its content should be:

    #skyeye config file sample
    cpu: arm7tdmi

    mach: at91

    mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0×00000000, size=0×00004000
    mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0×01000000, size=0×00400000
    mem_bank: map=M, type=R, addr=0×01400000, size=0×00400000, file=./boot.rom
    mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0×02000000, size=0×00400000
    mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0×02400000, size=0×00008000
    mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0×04000000, size=0×00400000
    mem_bank: map=I, type=RW, addr=0xf0000000, size=0×10000000


    What’s the file: boot.rom, create an link from images/romfs.img in the root directory of uClinux-dist

    $ ln -s images/romfs.img boot.rom


    And now, you could skyeye it as this:

    $ skyeye -e linux-2.4.x/linux


    Welcome to
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    GDB/ARMulator support by <>
    For further information check:

    Execution Finished, Exiting

    Sash command shell (version 1.1.1)

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